The Freeman from Waukesha, Wisconsin (2024)

4 July 23, 1994 The 11D SCOREBOARD 0 By The Numbers 1 Briefs Golf Professional U.S. WOMEN'S OPEN at Lake Orion, Mich.) 132 Helen Alfredsson 63-69 136 Laura Davies 68-68 137 Michelle Estill 69-68; Patty Sheehan 66-71 138 Amy Alcott 71-67; Tammie Green 66-72 139 Pamela Wright 74-65; Donna Andrews 67-72; Judy Dickinson 68-73 140 Tania Abibol 72-88; Betsy King 69-71; Sherri Steinhauer 68-72; Amy Read 68-72; Dale Eggeling 67-73 141 Pat Bradley 72-89; Michelle McGann 71-70; Liselotte Neumann 69-72; a Carol Semple Thompson 88-75 142 Laurt Merten 74-68; Meg Mallon 70-72; Missie McGeorge 69-73; Deb Richard 68-74 143 Stephanie Maynor 73-70; Ayako Okamoto 71-72; Kelly Robbins 71-72; Brandie Burton 70-73; Beth Daniel 69-74; JoAnne Carner 69-74; Sally Little 67-76 144 Kris Monaghan 75-69; Holly Vaughn 74-70; Nancy Lopez 73-71; Pago Dunlap 73-71; Dottie Mochrie 72-72; Mica Edge 72-72; Karen Lunn 72-72; Kris Tachetter 71-73; Missie Berteotti 71-73; Vicki Goetze 71-73; Klein 71-73 145 4-Sarah Lebrun Ingram 74-71; Jane Geddes 73-72; Toshimi 73-72; Lisa Waters 72-73; Lisa Grimes 72-73; Nancy Ramsbottom 71-74; Lisa Kiggens 71-74; Tara Fleming 70-75 146 Joan Pico*ck 74-72; Elaine Crosby 74-72; Mayumi Hirase 74-72, Cotleen Walker 73-73; Dana Dormann 73-73; Dawn Cos Jones 73-73; Short Turner 72- 74 147 Sarah McGuire 76-71; Jul Inkater 75-72; Pearl Sinn 74-73; Judy Sams 74-73: Caroline Pierce 74-73; Alice Rizman 73-74; Nanci Bowen 73-74; Hiromi Kobayashi 71- 76; Jan Stephenson 70-77 148 Cindy Rarick 78-72; Gal Graham 73-75; Alison Finney 73-75; Amy Benz 73- 75; Tracy Kerdyk 70-70 149 Val Skinner 76-73; Alison Nicholas 76-73; Barb Thomas 75-74; Cathy 74-75; Cindy 74-75; Hollie Stacy 72-77; Marta FiquerasDotti 72-77; Lynn Connelly 72-77 150 Robin Walton 77-73; Chris Johnson 77-73: Heather Drew 74-76; Kristi Albers 74-76; Mary Bath Zimmerman 74-76; Rosie Jones 73-77; Annette Deluca 73-77; Luciana Bamvenud 71-79 NEW ENGLAND CLASSIC (at Sutton, Masa.) 132 Ed Flori 68-66 133 Kenny Parry 67-88 134 Guy Boras 65-09; Fred Funk 68- 66; David Feherty 65-69 135 Dick Mast 68-80; Ronnie Black 65-70: Tommy Armour 66-69: Chris DE marco 67-68 136 Michael Bradley 71-65; Ba Glasson 68-68 137 Wayne Levi 68-71; P.H Horgan Bi 68-69; Justin Leonard 80-68; Jell Maggert 68-69; Mark Wurtz 64-73 138 Billy Ray Brown 89-69; Lance Ten Brock 70-68; Brian Henninger 64-74; Morns Hatalsky 68-72; Steve Gotsche 68-70 139 Gene Sauers 70-69; Paul Goydos 72-67; Lennie Clements 70-69; Tony Sills 67-72; Bully Andrade 89-70; Donnie Hammond 70-69; Steve Lamontagne 69-70; Bally Downes 71-68; Jim Thorpe 67-72; Jay Delsing 70-69; Larry Rinker 68-71; John Adams 71-68; Mark Calcavecchia 68-71; Leonard Thompson 67-72; Curt 8yrum 66- 73; Stan Udey 71-68; Fran Quinn 67-72; Dennis Paulson 66-73 140 John Morse 70-70; Bob Lohr 68- 72; David Toms 72-68; Trevor Dodds 69; Steve Pate 71-89; Brad Faron 70-70; Ken Green 68-72; Payne Stewart 70-70; Mike Donald 70-70, Jim Furyk 71-69 SOUTHWESTERN BELL SENIOR (at Belton, M.O.) 66 Graham Marsh 32-34 67 Ben Smith 35-32; Ray Floyd 34-33; J.C. Sneed 33-34; Larry Gilbert 34-33; Calvin Peete 33-34 68. Dick Rhyan 34-34; Rocky Thompson 32-38; Mike Joyce 34-34; Jim Colbert 34-34; Harry Toscano 35-33 69 Isao Acid 34-35; Kermit Zarley 34- 35; Bert Yancey 37-32; Larry 32-37; Bob E. Smith 36-33; Bob Panasik 35-34 70 Dick Hendrickson 34-56; Bob Zimmerman 35-35; Joe Jimenez 38-34; Larry Mowry 34-36; Ken Sill 35-35; Charles Coody 30-34; Dave Stockton 34-36; Tom Shaw 36-34; Bobby Nichols 37-33; Dale Douglass 34-38; Army Powel 34-36; Charlie Sifford 33-37; Bruce Crampton 37- 33; Gay Brewer 32-38; Tommy Aaron $8-34 Ladies' leagues SUBURBAN DISTRICT ASSO.

(at Edgewood) Friday's Results Muskego Lakes 54, Lake Beulah 54 Western Lakes 57, Rivermoor 51 Honor Scares Sue Wassenberg (Western Lakes) 82, Maggie Sanger Lakes) 63, Roz or (Muskego Lakes) 65, Helen Forderbar (Western Lakes) 80 Baseball Professional MIDWEST LEAGUE Friday's Results Appleton 7, West Michigan 2 Rockford 8, Beloit 1 South Bend 2, Quad City 1 Madison 11, Burlington 6 Kane County 15, Springfield 5 Peoria 5, Fort Wayne 4, 11 innings Ced. Rapids 11, Clinton 10, 15 innings Today's Games West Michigan at Appleton Quad Cry at South Bend Burlington at Cedar Rapids Belot at Kane County Springfield at Rockford Pooria at Clinton Fort Wayne at Madison Sunday's Games West Michigan at Appleton Quad City at South Bend Burlington at Cedar Rapids Bolok at Kane County Springfield at Rockford Peoria at Clinton Fort Wayne at Madison The Majors AMERICAN LEAGUE East Division Pct. GB New York 58 36 .617 Baltimore 54 39 .581 Boston 45 49 .479 Toronto. 45 .474 13 Detroit 43 38. .448 Central Division Pet GB Chicago.

58 37 .611 38 591 Kansas 49 .510 45 51 .489 Minnesota 44 51 .483 Division Pet GB 48 50 .479 54 .438 California 42 56 39 54 .419 Friday's Games Minnesota 6, Milwaukee 5, 13 Innings Seattle 6, Boston 3 Cleveland 9, Chicago 8 Toronto 3, Texas 2 Detroit 5, Kansas Cay 2 Now York 12, California 3 Baltimore 5, Oakland 4 FRIDAY'S LINESCORES Seattle. .......004 010 001-6 10 2 .000 001 200-3 6 2 Johnson, Ristey (7). Ayaia (9) and Wison; Sale, Howard (7). Farr (8), Fossas (9). Bankhead (9) and Rowland, Berryhil (9).

W- Johnson, 11-5. -Sole, 7-6. Sv- -Ayala (15). .000 000 002-2 7 0 ...002 000 -3 6 0 Rogers and Rodriguez; Stewart, Hall (9) and Borders. W- Stewart, 7-8.

Rogers, 10-6. Sv- -Hal (12). HRs- Texas, Canseco (26). Toronto, Molitor (12), Sprague (10). ..050 012 000-8 17 1 Cleveland ...430 110 00x-9 12 Bere, Sanderson (1), Cook (5), Deleon (7).

Assenmacher (8) and LaVallere; Morris, DiPoto (6), Casuan (7), Plunk (8), Russell (9) and Alomar. W- -Morns, 9-6. L- Sanderson, 8-4. Sv- -Russell (15). HRsChicago, Raines (10).

Cleveland, Lotton (11), Thome 3 (18), Bebe (30), Sorrento (11). Kan. 001 000-2 5 1 011 03x-5 9 Gubicza, Brewer (6), Meacham (7) and Mactartane; Moore, Groom (9), Boever (9) and Tettleton, Flaherty (9). W- Moore, 9-9. -Meacham, 1-3.

Sv- -Boever (2). HRsKansas City, Joyner (8), Mactariane (13). Detroit, Gibson (20). LEAGUE LEADERS RUNS Thomas, Chicago, 99; Lotion, Cleveland, 90; Canseco, Texas, 81; Gritley Jr, Seattle, 78; Bolle, Cleveland, 78; Philips, Detroit, 78; Baorga, Cleveland, 74. RBI Puckett, Minnesota, 88; Carter, Toronto, 88; Thomas, Chicago, 87; Belle, Cleveland, 86, Franco, Chicago, 83; Canseco, Texas, 60; Sierra, Oakland, 79.

HITS Lotion, Cleveland, 137; MoRtar, Toronto, 131; Thomas, Chicago, 127; Belle, Cleveland, 127; Baerga, Cleveland, 126; Griffey Jk, Seattle, 121; Puckett, Minnesota, 119. DOUBLES Knoblauch, Minnesota, 39, Belie, Cleveland, 33; Thomas, Chicago, 30; Frymen, Detroit, 29; Minaukee, 28; Baorga, Cleveland, 28; Puckett, Minnesota, 28. TRIPLES Lohnson, Chicago, 13; Colomen, Kansas Cay, 11; ADiaZ, Lotton, Cleveland, MoRas, Kansas Cay, White, Toronto, 6. HOME RUNS Thomas, Chicago, 35; Grilley Soutile, 35; Belle, 28; Fielder, Detroit, MVaughn, Boston, 20; 21; Devis, Sierra, California, Carter, Toronto, KG bson, Detroit, 20. Hall Of Shame Bucel a HUNDREDS OF UNRULY GOLF CADDIES WERE WAY OUT OF BOUNDS WHEN THEY ATTENDED A 1949 GAME AS GUESTS OF THE BOSTON RED SOX ON CADDIE DAY.

THEY PELTED THE FIELD AND THE PLAYERS WITH AN ESTIMATED 1,000 GOLF BALLS, INTERRUPTING PLAY FORTEN MINUTES WHILE THE GROUNDS CREW SCOOPED UP THE BALLS. RECALLED CLUB OFFICIAL GEORGE THE OUTFIELD LOOKED LIKE A SNOWSTORM HAD HIT." 1904 Made Services, inc. Ad Rights Reserved 7-25 NATIONAL LEAGUE East Division Pct. GB Montreal 58 37 .611 57 38 .600 46 50 .479 Now York 45 50 .474 13 Florida. 44 52 .458 Central Division GB 56 39 Houston 55 46 10 Louts 45 .479 Chicago 42 52 134 West Orvision GO Los Angeles 48 .500 Colorado.

46 52 .469 3 San Francisco. 45 52 .464 Diego 37 80 .381 games of doubleheaders not induded in standings Friday's Results Late Game Not included Chicago 7, Cinchinati 6 Philadelphia 4, San Diego 3 San Diego at Philadelphia, second game St Louis 5-3, Atlanta 0-2 Montreal 8, Los Angeles 2 New York 6, San Francisco 3 Pitsburgh 4, Houston 1 Florida 4, Colorado 0 FRIDAY'S LINESCORES 300 100 200-6 11 2 ....110 022 10x-7 10 0 Roper, J. Ruffin (6), Service (7), Carrasco (8) and Taubensee, Dorsett (8); Morgan, Veres (7), Otto (7), Crim (7). Plesac (8), Myers (9) and Wilkins. W-Crim, 4-3.

-Serv. lce.0-1. Sv -Myers (19). HRs Cincinnati, Mitchell (24), Taubensee (8) Chicago, Grace (4), Sosa (24). (First Game) San Diego .....200 000 001-3 14 2 Philadelphia ...201 001 00x-4 9 0 Hamiton, Tabaka (7), Mauser (8) and Ausmus; Munoz, Stocumb (7), Jones (9) and Lieberthal.

W- Munoz, 6-3. L- Hamit ton, 6-5. Sv -Jones (25). (First Game) Atlanta ...0 000 000-0 5 2 St. Louts 130 10-5 6 Mercker, Wohlers (7).

Biolecki (8) and Lopez; Urbani, Arocha (9) and Pagnozzi. W-Urbani, 25. L- 6-3. HR Louis, Zoila (13). (Second Game) 001 010-2 0 St.

Louts. 000 00-3 6 0 Wooded, Bedrosien (7) and O'Brien; Sut(6), Murphy (8), Arocha (9) and W- 6-4. -Wood0-1. Sv -Aroche (9). HRs Atlanta, Justice (14).

S. Louis, Whiten (11), Cootbaugh. San 001 100-3 9 0 New 002 00k-6 7 Swit, Gomez (8), 1 andingham (7) and Marwaring; Jacome, Mason (7), Gunderson (7), J. Manzanillo (7), Franco (8) and Hundley. W- 3-1.

L- 8-6. Sy -Franco (23). HRs -San Francisco, Bonds (30). New York, Kant (13). Los Angeles 0.00 100 001-2 6 Montreal.

....411 011 00x-8 14 Brewers Box TWINS 6. BREWERS 5, 13 Innings MINNESOTA MILWAUKEE abrh bi abra bi Knbich 0 2 1 JoReed 2b. Becker ct ...............4 0 0 Spiers ss 000 Puckett Carlito 36 ..............6 0 1 Hrbek 1b Seltzer 1b ............6 Mack ...6 0 1 0 GVghn if PMunz 0 1 0 Nilsson dh ...........5 1 2 Laius 30 3 2 Miaske 2 Wibeck ...............5 0 0 TWard 0 Moaras ...3 000 0 0 0 Wrona Hale 1 0 01 0 ADiaz de 0 AColo pr 1 0 0 Js Vintn 31 010 Rboulet s5 ...2 01 1 ...47 6 12 5 Totals. 5 12 Minnesota. 100 011 002 1-6 Mi waukse.

..030 020 000 000 0-5 -Puckett (3). Cirilo (2). Wrona (1). DP Minnesota 1, 3. L08 Minnesota 10.

Milwaukee 10. 28-Knoblauch (39), Laius (15), Reboulet (10), rio (4). Seltzer (17). GVaughn (23), Nilsson (28). (12), Wrona 3 (4).

HR -Puckett (16), Laius (13). S8-ACole (21), JoReed (5). JsValentin (8). S- Backer, Wrona. SF -ADiaz.

IP ER BB sO MINNESOTA Guardedo 21-3 3 3 1 Trombley 21-3 Campbell 2 2 22-3 Guthrie Aguttera 21-3 11-3 MILWAUKEE Scanlan 51-3 7 3 Navarro 3 2 22-3 0 2 2 MONN Campbell. Balk Fetters. Umpires -Home, Shulock; First, Denkinger, Sacand, Culbrath; Third. Winans. A Park-rec Softball WAUKESHA PARK -RECREATION DEPT.

SUBURBAN BLUE LEAGUE Standings Pucci a Puccia 1 Wisconsin House MAG Builders Total Communications. Bottle Stop Sporties. Sparta Connection 11 Friday's Games Sporties 11, Bottle Stop Pucci's No. Two 13, Total Communications 12 MAG Builders 15, Pucci's No. One 5 Wisconsin House 16, Sports Connection SUBURBAN RED LEAGUE Standings Karolyn's Restaurant Pub.

11 C-21 Stewart Brendelson 9 Spectrum Finishes 9 Speedy Lube West E.T.W..... 6 Fracaro's Lanes 8 Creative Tours 2 10 Boucher Chevrolet. 11 Friday's Games Stewart Brendelson 9. Creative Tours 6 Spectrum Finishes 14, Fracaro's 13 Karolyn's 16. Speedy Lube 2 ETW 18, Boucher Chevrolet 11 Motor Sports Professional DIEHARD 500 QUALIFYING (at Talladega, Ala.) (Hometown, car and qualifying speed) 1.

Dale Earnhardt, Doole, N.C., Chevrolet Lumina, 193.470, 2. Jimmy Spencer, Mooreevite, N.C., Ford Thunderbird, 193.008; 3. Loy Allen Raleigh, N.C., Ford Thunderbird, 192. 785; 4. Ken Schrader, Concord, N.C., Chevrolet Lumina, 192.370; 5.

Emie Irvan, Rockwel, N.C., Ford Thunderbird, 192.328; 6. Mark Martin, Daytona Beach, Ford Thunderbird, 191.815; 7. Todd Bodine, Harrisburg, N.C., Ford Thunderbird, 191.524; 8. Sterling Martin, Columbin, Chevrolet Lumina, 191.470; 9. Michael Wakrip, Devidson, N.C., Pontiac Grand Prix, 191.371; 10.

Wally Del lonbach Greensboro, Pontiac Grand Prix, 191.248. Astacio, McDowell (3), Deal (3), Soenez (6), Gott (8) and Plazza, Hernandez (7); HI, Scott (9) and Fletcher, Spahr S). W-Hm 14-4. L-Astacio, 6-8. Pittsburgh .000 100 300-4 Houston.

010 000-1 Whita, A. Manzanillo (5), Wagner (7), M- cal (7), Dyer (3) and Slaught; Drabek, Hampton (7), Veras (8). W- A. Manzanilo, 4-2, L- Drabek, Sv -Dyer (4. HRPitsburgh, Merced (S).

Florida 200 002-4 6 Colorado ...00 000 000-0 3 Rapp and Santiago; Painter, Grit arris (7), (9) and Sheatler, Owens (9). W- Rapp, 6-5. -Painter, 3-4. HRs -Florida, Browne (2), Santiago (5). Deals BASEBALL National League NEW YORK METS Placed Kevin MoReynolds, outfielder, on the 15-day dieabled list, retroactive to July 21.

Recalled Jeromy Bumitz, outflelder, from Norfolk of the International League. BASKETBALL National Basketball Association BOSTON CELTICS Signed David Wesley, guard, to a two-year contract. SAN ANTONIO SPURS Signed Avery Johnson, guard. FOOTBALL National Football League CINCINNATI BENGALS Claimed Alec Millen, offensive lineman, off waivers from San Francisco. GREEN BAY PACKERS Signed Curtis Duncan, wide recerver.

INDIANAPOUS COLTS Signed Eric Mahlum, offensive guard, and Garin Patrick, offensive lineman. KANSAS CITY CHIEFS Named Cart Peterson chief executive officer and Tim Connoly chief operating officer. NEW YORK GIANTS Signed Corey Miter, Inebacker; Mike Horan, punter; Thomas Lewis, wide receiver; and Tito Wooten, defensive back. Placed Lewis on the non -football Injury active list. NEW YORK JETS Agreed to terms with Orlando Parker, wide receiver.

WASHINGTON REDSKINS Signed Martin Baylesa, salety, to a one year contract COLLEGE CITADEL Named Dan McDonnell assistant basebal coach. CONNECTICUT -Named Dan Donigan man's assistant soccer coach and Tom Folay men's soccer coach. PRESBYTERIAN Named Ryan Livezey alstant football coach. SETON HALL -Named George Blaney men's basketball coach. SOUTHWEST TEXAS Named Mike Marshal restricted camings basebal coach.

WISCONSIN -Announced the resignation of Stu Jackson, man's basketball coach. Named Stan Van Gundy men's ketbal coach. YALE Named Alex Dorato men's tonnis coach. Racine falls despite Swartz's 18 DES MOINES, Iowa The Racine Runnin' Rebels 14-andunder AAU basketball team went 5-2 in a 69-team national tournament, following a 77-76 double- -overtime loss to Cleveland on Friday. B.J.

Brandt of Portage led Racine with 21 points and Julian Swartz of Waukesha scored 18 points. Racine has a 74-13 overall record this season. Three-way tie atop Suburban Blue WAUKESHA MAG Builders posted a 15-4 adult softball victory over Pucci's I on Friday to create a three-way tie for first place in the Waukesha Park and Recreation Department's Suburban Blue League. Pucci's Pucci's I and Wisconsin are now all tied for the top spot at 9-3. MAG Builders jumped on Pucci's I early, scoring five runs in the first inning and adding three runs in the third.

Jeff Carriveau led the charge for MAG Builders, going 4-for-4 with a home run. Pucci's II needed a three-run seventh inning to defeat Total Communications 13-12, while Mark Portz went 4-for-4 with two home runs and a double to help Wisconsin House beat Sports Connection 16-8. Free athletic physicals set WAUKESHA Free athletic physicals are being given to youths of low- income families by St. Joseph's Medical and Dental Clinic. The physicals are for youths intending to try out for school athletic teams this fall.

Call 544- 6777 Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. to schedule an appointment. Hoppe notches ace at Willow Run PEWAUKEE Bill Hoppe of Waukesha notched his first career hole-in-one on the 152- yard fifth hole at Willow Run on Friday. Hoppe used a six iron.

Waukesha Braves beat MagneTek WAUKESHA The Waukesha Braves Land o' Puddles youth baseball team defeated MagneTek Power 4-1 on Friday to improve its record to 5-2 in the league. Pitchers Brian Tibbitt and Jason Marcell combined to toss a four-hitter. Mark Stigler went 4-for-4 and Phil Kaplan scored two runs and drove in a run for the winners. 11. 87 Eliot, Blairsvide, Ford Thunderbird, 191.023; 12.

Terry Labonte, Archdale, Chevrolet Lumina, 190.844; 13. Dale Jarrett, Hickory, N.C., Chevrolet Lumina, 190.837; 14. Mike Wallace, Concord, N.C., Ford Thunderbird, 190.818; 15. Jeff Gordon, Huntersvile, N.C., Cherrolet Lumina, 190.508; 10. Kenny Walace, Concord, N.C., Ford Thunderbird, 190.746; 17.

Ted Musgrave, Troutman, Ford Thunderbird, 190.677; 18. Lake Speed, Concord, N.C., Ford Thunderbird, 190.587; 19. Brett Bodine, Harrisburg, N.C., Ford Thunderbird, 180.563; 20. Geolt Bodine, Julian, N.C. Ford Thunderbird, 190.325.


The Freeman from Waukesha, Wisconsin (2024)


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Name: Velia Krajcik

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