AWS DevOps Engineer Resume Houston, TX - Hire IT People (2024)

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Houston, TX

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  • 8+ years of IT experience as a cloud/DevOps engineer with expertise in areas of Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery, Continuous Deployment (CI/CD), Software Configuration Management, Version Control, Build and Release management, Automation, Troubleshooting, and Linux System Administration.
  • Knowledge and experience in all Phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), Software Configuration Management (SCM), Continuous Integration (CI), Continuous Deployment (CD), and Release Management.
  • Extensive working experience and knowledge with a broad range of AWS Cloud Services like EC2, ELB, Auto Scaling, VPC, Route53, RDS, S3, IAM, SNS, SQS, Elastic search, Elastic Filesystem (EFS), Cloud Foundry, CloudWatch, Cloud Trail, Service Catalog, Redshift Cluster, Ops Works and in Cloud Security and good knowledge on Amazon kinesis firehose.
  • Experience in AWS Elastic Beanstalk for app deployments and worked on AWS Lambda with Amazon Kinesis and integrated Dynamo DB using Lambda for value storage and for stream backup.
  • Played a significant role as a part of an engineering team designated to design a new platform to host applications on AWS and set up VPN tunnels from corporate networks to VPCs, and designed the Subnets, Routing, and IAM policies in AWS.
  • Expertise in GCP services like compute engine, cloud load balancing, cloud storage, cloud SQL, stack driver monitoring, cloud deployment manager, Cloud IAM, Active Directory, NAS, NFS, Storage, backups, Google Cloud Load Balancing Solutions.
  • Installed and configured Terraform Enterprise in Google Cloud Platform (GCP) environment using Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL.
  • Hands - on experience on Terraform open-source tool used for building, changing, and versioning Infrastructure, handled multiple providers with Terraform simultaneously.
  • Extensively involved in infrastructure as code, execution plans, resource graph, and change automation using Terraform, managed AWS infrastructure as code using Terraform.
  • Maintaining the infrastructure (servers for different data centers) using OpenStack, familiar with OpenStack concepts of user-facing availability zones and administrator-facing host aggregates.
  • Experience working on docker Hub, creating docker images, and handling multiple images primarily for middleware installations and domain configurations.
  • Experienced with scheduling, deploying, and managing container replicas onto a node cluster usingKubernetes and worked with building K8’s run time environment of the CI/CD system to build, test & deploy in an open-source platform.
  • Experience with creating a private cloud using Kubernetes that supports DEV, TEST, and PROD environments.
  • Experience in Ansible, Ansiblevault, andTower as a configuration management tool, to automate repetitive tasks, deploy applications, manage changes, automate software updates, and verify -functionality.
  • Expertise in using Ansible to manage Web Applications, Config Files, Data Base, Commands, Users Mount Points, and Packages and to assist in building automation policies.
  • Experience with installation, configuration, and maintenance in CI technologies like Jenkins/Hudson, and Bamboo performing end-to-end automation for builds and deployments.
  • Configured services like TCP/IP, NIS, NFS, DNS, SNMP, VSFTP, and DHCP on Linux.
  • Experience Artifactory management tool Nexus to store the WAR, and JAR files which are deployed by using Chef in Jenkins tool.
  • Creating Linux Virtual Machines using VMware Virtual Center (ESXI), hypervisor-v, and PHP Virtual Box.
  • Ability in deploying the developed code in a WebSphere/WebLogic/Apache Tomcat/JBOSS.
  • Experienced with monitoring tools like Splunk, Nagios, CloudWatch, and ELK.
  • Proficient in Branching, Merging, Tagging, and maintaining the version across the environments using SCM tools like Subversion (SVN), GIT (GitHub) and Bit bucket.
  • Hands on experience in Configuration Management (CM) policies and practices with regards to software development life cycle (SDLC) along with automation of scripting using BASH/PowerShell, Perl, Yaml, Groovy, JSON, Python scripting.
  • Experience in working with system health and monitoring tools like Splunk, JIRA, Confluence, ServiceNow, SharePoint, VSTS (Azure DevOps) ELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana) and Cloud Watch.


Cloud Environments: AWS, AZURE, GCP

Application Servers: Apache Tomcat, Web Logic Application Server, Red Hat, Web Sphere

Automation Tools: Terraform, Ansible, Chef, Docker, Kubernetes

CI/CD & Build Tools: Jenkins, Bamboo, Maven, Gradle, U-Deploy

Version control tools: Git, Bitbucket, Subversion SVN, TFS, CVS

Web servers: Tomcat, Nginx, Azure, Apache 2.x, 3.x, Web Logic (8/9/10), JBOSS 4.x/5.x, Web Sphere4/5, TFS

Networking/Protocol: TCP/IP, NIS, NFS, DNS, DHCP, FTP/SFTP, HTTP/HTTPS, NDS, Cisco Routers/Switches, WAN, LAN

Scripting: Python, Bash, PowerShell

Virtualization Technologies: VMWare, ESX/ESXi, Windows Hyper-V, Power VM, Virtual box

Database: DynamoDB, RDS, Postgres, SQL, Cassandra, Redis, Oracle MySQL, MongoDB

Monitoring Tools: Nagios, Splunk, CloudWatch, ELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana), Datadog, JIRA

Programming/Web Technologies: Python, Java, C++, XML, HTML, CSS, Angular JS


Confidential, Houston, TX

AWS DevOps Engineer


  • As a DevOps engineer, responsible for building and configuring a new cloud infrastructure environment, troubleshooting AWS related issues, and engaging internal teams for complex issues.
  • Implemented AWS solutions using S3, RDS, VPC, EKS, EBS, Elastic Load Balancer, Auto-scaling groups, Optimized volumes, Cloud Formation, Cloud Watch, Route53, EC2 instances and using Jenkins AWS Code Deploy plugin to deploy to AWS.
  • Supported AWS Cloud environment with 300+ AWS EC2 instances and configured Elastic IP, Elastic storage, S3 buckets for backups.
  • Used IAM to create and manage AWS users and groups, designed user's credentials and profiles using AWS IAM.
  • Worked on AWS Elastic Beanstalk for deploying and scaling web applications and services developed with Python, and Docker on familiar servers such as Apache, Nginx.
  • Architected and configured a virtual data center in the AWS cloud to support Enterprise Data Warehouse hosting including Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), Public and Private Subnets, Security Groups and Route Tables.
  • Deployed and configured Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana (ELK) for log analytics, full text search, application monitoring in integration with AWS Lambda and Cloud Watch, then store those logs and metric into S3 bucket using Lambda function.
  • Implemented horizontal auto-scaling in OpenStack cloud, integrating it with Chef.
  • Worked on User admin groups, maintaining account and monitoring system performance using AWS CloudWatch and Nagios, migrated applications from VM ware to AWS using snowball and VM import/export.
  • Expertise in Azure Development worked on Azure Networking, Azure Hybrid integration, Azure Identity, and Access Management, Azure Data Factory and Storage, ARM Templates, PowerShell scripts, IaaS, Lift & Shift, storage, network, and database.
  • Created Clusters using Kubernetes and worked on creating many pods, replication controllers, services, deployments, labels, health checks and ingress by writing Yaml files.
  • Created, tested, and deployed an End-to-End CICD pipeline for various applications using Jenkins as the main Integration server for Dev, QA, Staging, UAT and Prod Environments.
  • Worked on Jenkins pipelines to drive all micro services builds out to the Docker registry and then deployed to Kubernetes, created Pods, and managed using Kubernetes.
  • Involved in container-based deployments, working with Docker images, Docker Hub and Docker-registries and Kubernetes.
  • Involved in managing Kubernetes manifest files and releases of Helm packages.
  • Experience in Setting up the build and deployment automation for Terraform scripts using Jenkins.
  • Involved in using Terraform migrate legacy and monolithic systems to Amazon Web Services.
  • Provisioned the highly available EC2 Instances using Terraform and cloud formation and wrote new plugins to support new functionality in Terraform.
  • Used Bash and Python included Boto3 to supplement automation provided by Ansible and Terraform for tasks such as encrypting EBS volumes backing AMIs and scheduling Lambda functions for routine AWS tasks.
  • Expertise in writing new plugin to support new functionality in Terraform.
  • Used Terraform scripts to Automate Instances for Manual Instances that were launched before.
  • Managed code releases in the software development cycle (SDLC) using version control tool GIT.
  • Maintained build related scripts developed in shell for Maven builds, modified build configuration files including POM.xml and published the artifacts to Nexus using Maven-publish and released using Maven release plugin.
  • Managed TCP/IP packets and DHCP servers, resolved TCP/IP network access problems for the clients and worked with various TCP/IP implementations like NFSv4, NIS, DNS and DHCP.
  • Integrated SonarQube with Jenkins to test the code quality.
  • Maintaining Subversion (SVN) and GIT repositories, proposed and implemented branching strategy suitable for agile/scrum development for automating builds with Jenkins.
  • Worked with different bug tracking tools such as Jira, HP QC, VSTS, ServiceNow and SharePoint, Wiki, Confluence.
  • Implemented, maintained, and supported reliable, timely and reproducible builds for project teams.
  • Worked with development/testing, deployment, systems/infrastructure, and project teams to ensure continuous operation of build and test systems.

Environment: AWS (EC2, S3, RDS, VPC, EKS, EBS, IAM, Elastic Load Balancer, Auto-scaling groups, Optimized volumes, Cloud Formation, Cloud Watch, Route53, Elastic IP, Elastic Beanstalk), GCP (compute engine, cloud load balancing, cloud storage, cloud SQL, stack driver monitoring, cloud deployment manager, Cloud IAM, Active Directory, NAS, NFS, Storage, backups), helm, K8’s, ingress, Docker, Docker-HUB, Kubernetes, Cassandra, Apache, GO, Yaml, Jenkins, Ubuntu, Linux, Chef, TCP/IP, DHCP, NFS, NIS, DNS, SVN, GIT, SonarQube, Splunk, JIRA, HP QC, VSTS, ServiceNow, Wiki, Confluence.

Confidential, Mooresville, NC

DevOps Engineer


  • Involved in Software integration, configuration, building, automating, managing, and releasing code from one environment to another environment and deploying to servers.
  • Designed, configured, and deployed Microsoft Azure for a multitude of applications utilizing the Azure Virtual Networks, subnets, Networking, Azure Hybrid integration, Azure Identity, and Access Management, Azure Data Factory and Storage, ARM Templates, PowerShell scripts, IaaS, Lift & Shift, storage, network, and database.
  • Created recommendations on how to duplicate a subset of on-premises machines to the Azure Infrastructure as a Service (IAAS) offering which will be used for disaster recovery. This analysis included the specifics to synchronize on-premises data with SQL Server and SharePoint instances hosted in VMs.
  • Worked on Azure Site Recovery and azure Backup deployed Instances on Azure environments in Data centers and collected data from all Azure Resources using Log Analytics and analyzed the data to resolve issues.
  • Create Virtual Networks in Azure for hybrid connectivity with On-premises networks (Express Route, VPN Gateways).
  • Written Templates for Azure Infrastructure as code using Terraform to build staging and production environments. Integrated Azure Log Analytics with Azure VMs for monitoring the log files, store them and track metrics and used Terraform as a tool, managed different infrastructure resources Cloud, VMware, and Docker containers.
  • Created AWS cloud formation templates to create custom sized VPC, subnets, EC2 instances, ELB, and security groups. Worked on tagging standards for proper identification and ownership of EC2 instances and other AWS Services like Cloud Front, cloud watch, RDS, S3, Route53, SNS, SQS, and Cloud Trail.
  • Defined AWS Security Groups which acted as virtual firewalls that controlled the traffic allowed to reach one or more AWS EC2.
  • Used Cloud Front to deliver content from AWS edge locations to users, allowing for further reduction of load on front-end servers, Managed and analyzed the petabyte-scalable data using AWS Redshift cluster.
  • Good understanding of Pivotal cloud foundry (PCF) Architecture (Diego Architecture), PCF components and their functionalities Experienced in using Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) CLI for deploying applications and other CF management activities.
  • Used Terraform to transform the infrastructure from on-premises to the cloud.
  • Collaborated in the automation of Azure infrastructure via Terraform, provisioning Azure environments using Ansible Playbooks.
  • Worked on self-service cloud tooling based on immutable infrastructure and service discovery using Hashi corp tools (Packer, Terraform and Vault) and Orchestration frameworks (Ansible, Fabric).
  • Created Terraform templates to create custom sized VPC, NAT subnets, for deployment of Web applications and databases.
  • Deployed highly available fault-tolerant Kubernetes clusters in AWS, configure monitoring through Grafana and Prometheus.
  • Used Kubernetes to manage the containerized applications, deployments, secrets, and services.
  • Used Docker to containerize custom web applications and deployed on Digital Ocean with Ubuntu instances through SWARM Cluster and automated application deployment in cloud using Docker HUB, Docker Swarm, and Vagrant.
  • Implemented Docker maven plugin in Maven pom.xml files to build Docker images for all microservices and later used Docker file to build the Docker images from the Java jar files.
  • Used Ansible and Ansible Tower as Configuration management tool, to automate repetitive tasks, deploy critical applications and proactively manage change by writing Python code by using Ansible, Python API to automate Cloud Deployment Process.
  • Used Ansible Tower to manage Multiple Nodes and Manage Inventory for different Environments.
  • Designed a patch process and wrote ansible playbooks for patching OpenShift-RHEL and implemented a continuous back up process using Ansible to back up ETCD data directory of OpenShift.
  • Integrated Jenkins with various DevOps tools like Nexus, SonarQube, Ansible and used CI/CD system of Jenkins on Kubernetes container environment, utilizing Kubernetes and Docker for the runtime environment to build and test and deploy.
  • Coordinate with developers establishing appropriate branching, labeling/naming conventions using GIT source control and analyzed and resolved conflicts related to merging of source code for GIT.
  • Implementation of JIRA to track all issues pertaining to the software development lifecycle (SDLC) and Integration of JIRA with repositories such as Subversion and Git to track all code changes.
  • Experience is using Tomcat, servers for deployments. Experienced in deployment of applications on Apache Web server, Nginx, JBOSS, WebLogic and WebSphere Application.
  • Exposed to all aspects of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) such as Analysis, Planning, Developing, Testing, and Implementing and Post-production analysis of the projects.
  • Built and managed a highly available monitoring infrastructure to monitor different application servers like JBoss, Apache Tomcat and its components using Nagios.

Environment: Azure (Active Directory, Blob storage, Azure Site Recovery, Azure Service Bus, Cosmos DB, VSTS, Azure Data factory, lift shift, Azure VM’s), AWS (Cloud Front, cloud watch, RDS, S3, Route53, SNS, SQS, Cloud Trail, AWS Redshift, VPC, Subnets), Terraform, Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF), Kubernetes, Docker, Vagrant, Ansible, Ansible Tower, Jenkins, Nexus, SonarQube, GIT, Subversion, WebSphere, JBoss, Nginx, Apache, Tomcat, WebLogic, JIRA, Nagios.

Confidential, Indianapolis, IN

Cloud DevOps Engineer


  • Worked on AWS services EC2, IAM, S3, Lambda, Cloud Watch, Dynamo DB, SNS, Elastic Bean stalk, VPC, ELB, RDS, EBS, Route 53, ECS and Auto scaling.
  • Involved in Assigning Roles, manage Users, groups and policies using AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM).
  • Created network architecture on AWS VPC, subnets, Internet Gateway, Route Table and NAT Setup and set-up databases in AWS using RDS, storage using S3 bucket and configuring instance backups to S3 bucket.
  • Administered databases using RDS, MySQL and DynamoDB in AWS and executed the DML and DDL scripts.
  • Created and Configured Red Hat Linux Environment and Solaris Virtual Machines in AWS.
  • Created alarms in Cloud Watch service for monitoring the server's performance, CPU Utilization, disk usage, maintained user accounts IAM, RDS, and Route53 services in AWS.
  • Designed AWS Cloud Formation templates using JSON to create customized VPC subnets, NAT to ensure successful deployment of web applications and databases and creating the cross-account IAM roles and giving access to users to access.
  • Extensively worked on Bamboo’s CI/CD pipeline jobs for end-to-end automation to build, test and deliver artifacts and troubleshoot the build issue during the bamboo build process.
  • Developed, implemented, build and deployment process using Bamboo in various environments such as QA, UAT and PROD.
  • Used GIT as source code management tool, created local repo, cloned the repo, and performed add, commit, push, stash, branching, created tags operations. Defined branching, labeling and merge strategies for all applications in GIT.
  • Written Bash scripts to deploy dynamic content to tomcat Webserver and WebSphere App Servers.
  • Migrating and maintaining build and test environments into the Cloud Infrastructure.
  • Created Docker Swarm using Docker CLI to Orchestrate, schedule and deploy the services to Swarm and managed the Swarm behavior and created virtual networks to connect Docker containers across multiple hosts using Docker weave.
  • Extensively worked on Docker container snapshots, attaching to a running container, removing images, managing Directory structures, and managing containers.
  • Used Maven to deploy SNAPSHOT and release artifacts to JFrog to share artifacts across projects.
  • Expertise in Creating & Handling cookbooks and recipes using Ruby in Chef Workstation& deploying them to various nodes.
  • Worked with Chef Enterprise hosted as well as On-Premises, Installed Workstation, Bootstrapped Nodes, wrote Recipes and Cookbooks and uploaded them to Chef-server.
  • Written several Chef cookbooks and recipes to automate the installation of WebLogic domain and JDK installations.
  • Monitored servers, switches and ports using Nagios Monitoring tool and assisted internal users of Splunk in designing and maintaining production quality dashboards.
  • Maintained build related scripts developed in shell for Maven builds and modified build configuration files including POM.xml.
  • Used Eclipse IDE with Selenium for supporting functional testing of client-side application.
  • Reduced operating costs for fulfilling infrastructure requests through the automation and orchestration of delivery systems utilizing ServiceNow UI.
  • Experienced in working on DevOps/Agile operations process and tools area (Code review, unit test automation, Build & Release automation, Environment, Service, Incident and Change Management).

Environment: AWS services (EC2, IAM, S3, Lambda, Cloud Watch, Dynamo DB, SNS, Elastic Bean stalk, VPC, ELB, RDS, EBS, Route 53, ECS and Auto scaling), Bamboo, GIT, MySQL, Tomcat, WebSphere, Docker, Maven, JFrog, Chef, Ruby, Bash, Shell Scripting, Nagios, Splunk, ServiceNow, Selenium, Eclipse, Agile Methodology.

Confidential, Littlerock, AR

Build and Release Engineer


  • Worked along with Developers & application teams to design DevOps process for orchestrating Test, Build, Release and Deployment.
  • Involved in deploying the content cloud platform on Amazon AWS using EC2, S3, and EBS.
  • Worked on Continuous Integration System Jenkins, used for official nightly build, test, managing change list and installed multiple Plugins for smooth build and release build pipelines.
  • Configured GIT, created branches, tags and merging in GIT repository and triggering push and pull requests from Jenkins.
  • Managed VMware Infrastructure clusters on Test and Development environments.
  • Worked on VMware product including VMware Server, VMware Workstation, and VMware VCenter.
  • Installed and configured an automated tool Puppet and responsible for creating Puppet modules and manifest files from scratch and experience in editing existing puppet manifests and automated manual installation process using puppet.
  • Created and maintained Continuous Build and Continuous Integration environments in scrum and agile projects.
  • Performed integration of Code Quality Analysis using SonarQube with Jenkins.
  • Implemented zero downtime deployment process in WebLogic using Python and shell script and automated it using Jenkins.
  • Installing and configuring SSH encryption to access securely on QNX and Red hat Linux.
  • Administered Linux servers for several functions including managing Apache/Tomcat server, mail server and MySQL databases in both development and production.
  • Involved in identifying build errors in the system and escalate it to the concerned team after careful analysis and coordinate with them to get the fix in the release.
  • Installed Oracle 10g on Linux, did basic configuration and worked closely with Oracle DBAs database configurations.
  • Involved in writing Maven build scripts for generating Java based artifacts such as JAR, WAR and EAR.
  • Used Shell/Perl scripts to automate the deployment process and responsible for automated Scheduled Builds/Emergency Builds and Release using ANT scripts for Enterprise application (J2EE).
  • Developed ANT build files for maintaining test automation builds &Java based libraries.
  • Used Maven dependency management system to deploy snapshot and release artifacts to Nexus to share artifacts across projects.
  • Used Confluence for technical documentation, collecting team’s thoughts, plans and use of JIRA for workflow.
  • Implemented and configured Nagios effectively for Application troubleshooting and monitoring post go lives.

Environment: VMware ESXI, Jenkins, Maven, GIT, SonarQube, Apache Tomcat, MySQL, Nexus, Puppet, Oracle 10g, NAGIOS, JIRA, Java/J2EE, Confluence, AWS EC2, ANT, Shell Scripting, Perl, Python.

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AWS DevOps Engineer Resume Houston, TX -  Hire IT People (2024)


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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

Address: 55021 Usha Garden, North Larisa, DE 19209

Phone: +6812240846623

Job: Corporate Healthcare Strategist

Hobby: Singing, Listening to music, Rafting, LARPing, Gardening, Quilting, Rappelling

Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.